ფილმები ქართულად, filmebi qartulad, kinoebi qartulad, კინოები ქართულად ფილმები ქართულად, filmebi qartulad, kinoebi qartulad, კინოები ქართულად

გოიას მკვლელები / El asesino de los caprichos

  • წელი: 2019
  • ჟანრი: დეტექტივი / დრამა / თრილერი / კრიმინალური
  • თარგმანი: Рус. Дублированный, Spanish Original
  • რეჟისორი: Херардо Эрреро
  • მსახიობები: Марибель Верду, Аура Гарридо, Роберто Аламо, Хинес Гарсия Мильян, Даниэль Грао, Рут Габриэль, Антонио Веласкес, Тамар Новас, Айтор Фернандиньо, Оскар Пастор
  • მოკლე აღწერა:

    2019, Madrid (center of Spain and country's capital). Carmen Cobos is the quintessential of the "bad cop" character: resentful after a personal loss seven years ago, she is a heavy smoker, heavy alcoholic, and a tough and loudmouth woman in bad attitude with the world at the same time she has love affairs with her boss Commissar Julián Vargas and journalist and war correspondent Adrián Iglesias. With the job as the only one important in her life, she's paired with the younger "good cop" although more rookie Eva González, a funny, optimist and happily married with two little children recently moved to the commissary, to investigate the murder of Mónica Luna, a young upper-class woman found dead in her house with a bizarre staging around her. While Eva tries to bear Carmen's rude manners and suspects that her husband is unfaithful to her, they two join forces to find an explanation of Luna's crime, talking with friends and familiars. After new crimes are committed and new corpses appear...