ფილმები ქართულად, filmebi qartulad, kinoebi qartulad, კინოები ქართულად ფილმები ქართულად, filmebi qartulad, kinoebi qartulad, კინოები ქართულად

ცხოვრების მწვრთნელი / Life Coach

  • წელი: 2019
  • ჟანრი: დრამა / კომედია / საოჯახო
  • თარგმანი: Рус. Люб. многоголосый
  • რეჟისორი: Nelson Moses Lassiter
  • მსახიობები: Billy Brannigan, Kelley Gates, Giuliana Guarino, Марина Федосова, Chang Liu, John Logan, Kelsey Maples, Ignacyo Matynia, Gabby Navetta, Инга Шлингманн
  • მოკლე აღწერა:

    Elena, Connor's fiancé is a successful business consultant, but also wants to set a wedding date and one day start a family. Connor on the other hand is taking Elena for granted and puts work first with no desire to rush into plan the wedding. After their close friends, Liam and Michaela announce their pregnancy, Connor and Elena's relationship is put to the test and creates an intense argument. They are unaware that it will be their last. After days of not talking, Elena is on her way home from a business trip while Connor is planning on surprising her with wedding plans. During their FaceTime, Elena's taxi driver gets into an accident and she loses her life. Connor life falls into utter disarray and he becomes a recluse and closed off to his loved ones and closest friends. One day he is awakened by Elena, in what he can only assume is a dream. After moments of disbelief, he accepts that she has returned and agrees to her mission to get his life back on track. Following cleaning up ...